Photo caption: ABC Rural reporter, Charlie McKillop (right) from far north Queensland receives the Rabobank Australian Star Prize for Rural Broadcasting from Rabobank state manager for Queensland/Northern Territory, Brad James, at a Rural Press Club of Queensland lunch today in Brisbane.
ABC Rural reporter from far north Queensland, Charlie McKillop, has won the country’s top award for rural broadcasting.
Charlie was presented with the Rabobank Australian Star Prize for Rural Broadcasting at a lunch hosted by the Rural Press Club of Queensland in Brisbane
The award recognises Charlie’s outstanding audio piece, “A duty to be kind in halal killing,” which explored the halal slaughter of cattle in far north
Queensland on ABC Rural’s Country Hour radio program.
Her award-winning broadcast examined what happens on the killing room floor and saw her confront the uncomfortable reality that in order to eat meat, animals
must die and somebody has to do it.
Apart from providing insight into the halal slaughter of animals in Australia, Charlie’s radio story also highlighted the challenges faced by Muslims in
regional Queensland.
For full media release, click here